Dear all
On this my Birthday I really was pleasantly surprised by today’s gift from Rosi, Gabi and Aiyana. As you see I didn’t dare eating a piece of my Birthday cake before unwrapping the gift! But it seems to be as they say, ’suffering too is a gift‘ so I had to stand this temptation and I did! Just because I love gifts!!
Always taking pictures …..
Fantastic this new toy because the old ones are becoming a bit worn out! And not to forget this lovely picture of mine! I really was cute!
I just returned from a long walk in the woods and didn’t look in the mirror before this picture was taken, but as a matter of fact this is me as I‘ am.
Thank you Rosi and Gabi for this surprise and the fact you did not forget me!
My beloved C-Brothers and C-Sister I wish you all a very Happy Birthday and may you be spoiled with lots of goodies and little gifts.
Have a nice day and a High Five
Hello to Hans and Heike with Cobber Jilleroo!!! A high five back to you all! Greetings from Rosi and Gaby with Mummy Aiyana and the Rest from the Beardies Teufelsbande!!!