Dear Rosi and Gabi,
Jilleroo visited the Kraft family in Neustadt a/d Weinstrasse and met Davina already twice.
Davina (l) and Jilleroo (r) !
It really was a surprise how much Jilleroo and Davina liked each other and behaved like two sisters fully grown up together.
It really was a pleasure meeting Sonja and her daughters and we certainly will meet again.
Two charming lovely ladies ...
… and although they have different coats they look alike!
The "Twin Half Sisters"!
They behave like two dogs grown up together bust most of all there is a „Click“ between the two little „devils“!
Sonja, Jilleroo and Davina!
A pity, Werner was not at home because Sonja told me Werner likes Aijana so much (just as I do) and may be would have recognized some of Aijana‘ characteristics in Jilleroo and love her too!
Davina is a sweetheart and still a fluffy bear. Mexx can be proud of her!
Jilleroo - vom Winde verweht!
At the end of April we spent some days in Egmond on North Sea (NL) with Jilleroo. Our young lady was so fond of the beaches (not particular of the sea itself; still to cold) and because of the unfriendly weather very few people were on the beaches so she could run free for ever.
Big fun - is there any dog?
With the few dogs she met, it was big fun to chase each other in the loose sand being exhausted and sandy afterwards.
Ain´t she sweet?
The land behind the dunes!
I told you earlier Jilleroo loves to be in the forest and exploring it. To improve her concentration ability I started to learn her ‚walking‘ / balancing on and jumping over cut down tree-trunks.
The tree trunk dancer feels at ease!
It now is her beloved way of ‚Natural Agility‘ and she is quiet good in it.
The "Flying Dutchman" or
completely relax and time to look around!
"Jumping Lady" in action!
Paying attention to show a perfect pose during her jump!
Another favored activity is finding her way in these days growing high grasses so she has to jump up to find her way and spot us. Last year I already mentioned this heritage of a long ago past, wandering in the prairies and hunting in packs of wild forebears of our todays dogs.
I‘ am happy she still shows those qualities because couch potatoes are not my kind of dogs.
It will be fun and interesting not only meeting at the „Welpentreffen“, Jilleroo‘ brothers and sisters but also the other Teufels and more especially those of the D-litter because that reminds me still most of the time Jilleroo was of the same age.
I keep my fingers crossed Jilleroo will not be in heat, because it certainly will not be a ‚girls only party‘ and should spoil our participation! But you never can tell because she is a self-willed madam and a bit alike Aiyana.
Have a nice evening,
Hans and Heike with Cobber Jilleroo from the Netherlands!
Hello to Hans and Heike with Cobber Jilleroo!!! Thank you for waiting such a long time again! I am very sorry for this!!! But the pictures are very fine!!! And … yes, Mama Mexx is very proud for her daughter Davina too! She likes to send her love to Sonja and Werner with the girls in Neustadt and her other babies too!!! Mama Aiyana ia also very happy and much pleased about Jilleroo and her other babies. She told me to send you all a lot of kisses!!! Greetings and see you all soon!!! We all have to keep our fingers cross for nice weather!!! Gaby with the Beardies von der Teufelsbande!
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